Friday, 8 July 2011

Category 3 - Not Sure Yet

The last category of instant attraction is -

Category 3 - Not Sure Yet

Fall into this category and it is a double edged sword.  You have not worked on your body language, grooming or physical fitness to create an instant attraction.  But she has not rejected you outright yet either.

As you develop your approaches (and your confidence), this is where you are going to fit with most single women that you meet in real life. Unless she completely shuts your advances down, then you are in with a good chance. Just don't act like most men and take the first short answer as a sign of rejection and make a quck exit.  There is nothing worse then a premature withdrawal.


Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Category 2 - I Don't Like Him

Women have the ability to look at a man and come to an almost instant opinion of attraction based on body language.  The first opinion is a strong attraction.  The second is the complete opposite -

Category 2 - I Don't Like Him

Fall into this category and you are wasting your time even trying to pick her up in a bar.  Her body language will scream "get away from me", so look for other women to chat to.  If you do ignore the signs then she will try and put people in between you (probably a few big guys) as a physical barrier.  

Women will pickup a lack of confidence a mile away and it will cling to you like bad deoderant.  Make sure you have your inner game working before you enter the battlefield.



Saturday, 2 July 2011

Category 1 - I Like Him

Women are fast to evaluate you as a man.  Meet for the first time and she will have formed an opinion of you based on your body language and how you deal wth people around you even before you open your mouth.  The first of these 3 categories is -

I Like Him

If you happen to look or remind her of someone that she liked, dress in a certain type of way that she finds attractive or simply appeal to her raw sense of attraction, then you have already got your foot in the door.  You already have the upper hand when it comes to talking to her.  Just look for your cues and take advantage of the situation.

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