Monday 20 June 2011

UK Dating Stats

I found an interesting article on my hard drive about dating stats in the UK you might be interested in.  It did not come with an attribution to the author or parent site, so if it is yours then speak up and I will provide the suitable credit (credit where credit is due).  The report states that members -

53% have dated more than one person at the same time. 

71% believe in love at first sight. 

30% consider personality in choosing a mate; 14% consider sense of humor and 11% go by looks. 

29% say unfaithfulness is the primary reason behind relationship break ups. 

78% believe that his/her companion is not 100% honest with them. 

25% believe that a casual dating partnership becomes a serious relationship when one says "I Love You." 

67% don't trust their partners on the first date. 

44% believe a 5 year gap should be maintained while choosing a mate. 

69% are utilizing online dating web sites to find dates. 

Despite such a high divorce average in the UK, 44% of respondents want to marry again. 

22% believe the work or office provides a great source for dates. 

Remember to check out who is single at

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